How my journey began

About Your Girlfriend Next Door Friendship Coach Andrea Smoak

The Truth:

Growing up as an only child, I discovered friendships are not always easy. Each time I met someone new, I knew she would be like my best friend, sister, or good girlfriend. It took years to find out I didn't share the same heart or intentions as others. Not sharing a space with siblings, I never learned about competition, cattiness, pettiness, and other negative interpretations of female relationships. I also learned that going through friendship breakups with girlfriends was more painful than breaking up with a boyfriend. Maybe my expectations were extremely high, and I thought we all honored the "girl code." 

Gone are the days of the "pinky swear" and you can trust me with everything. The heartbreak was real, rather it was jealousy or competition, we grew apart, and the list goes on. I had to take a break from it all and evaluate what it means to be a true friend.

I studied, I read, I enrolled in therapy all in hopes of self-discovery of why things happened, what was my contribution, why did I attract certain people, and how can I be a better version of myself? As part of my self-work, I began to wonder how I could help others. I knew I wasn’t the only one who had similar experiences.

It began with a Youtube channel I started in 2014. It was my hope then and now to always be a light of inspiration and empowerment to others. There was something missing. Youtube was great, but I always had a desire to work directly with people. I pondered for a while and out of nowhere I was offered an open scholarship. At the time, I had no desire to return back to school. Truthfully after I completed my Master’s degree, I was completely done. However, the opportunity kept eating at me. I wondered how could I combine my passion to help people reach life goals and take advantage of this education opportunity. Well, hence Life Coaching. It was like a bell rang and my entire life finally made sense.

I researched and found Learning Journeys, The International Center For Coaching. This was my opportunity to help others live the lives they’ve dreamed of having.

What I was able to birth is Your Girlfriend Next Door, Friendship Coaching to the world. I knew I couldn't be the only person going through these things. I wanted to become the energy I wanted to see in the world. Being positive, supportive, loving, trustworthy, compassionate, honest, independent, along with kindness and established boundaries, can create a community that allows friendships to flourish and remain strong.

It's essential to build a solid foundation for a healthy and robust friendship. Even though it can be hard to recognize when a bond is weak in some areas, it is always possible to improve yourself and your relationship with a friend. All you need is a willingness to do and be better.

So out of pain, pressure, growth, and self-evaluation, I have blossomed into the woman I am today, a woman I'm proud of. I also learned it's essential to be open to help and change along life's journey. Investing in yourself is one of the greatest gifts you can give, allow yourself time.

As a friend, I'm here to champion your dreams, encourage your heart, catch you when you trip, and accept you as you are.


Chat with me

Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud. —Maya Angelou

Motivation comes from within — and I’m here to help you activate it.

What People Are Saying

Hey Girlfriend 
You are really helping me position myself in a way that is authentically me. 


You did a great job keeping me focused on my goal and of bringing me back to it when I went off in a myriad of directions! 


It was fun coaching with you today! It was super helpful for me as the client and helped me feel a little less overwhelmed with everything I have going on right now, so I really appreciated the session. 


I have some childhood issues that I’m working on. I’ve had 2 major of breakthroughs!


I let anxiety take over my life for too long. Now I have the strength to control my emotions.


Andrea is awesome!! I love working with her because she not only makes you feel like a friend but she digs deep and gives you an opportunity to reflect on what was discussed. She wants to see you win and be your best self.
-She rocks and I am on my way!!


“Let’s Tackle This Jungle Called Life Together”


Master Coach Practitioner Certification,

Learning Journeys, The International Center For Coaching, ICF Accredited Coach Certification