Introspection: One's own conscious thoughts and feelings. 


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Friendship Coaching Philosophy 

Your Girlfriend Next Door, Friendship Coaching Philosophy 

Utilizing self-knowledge to enhance empathy and understanding and to develop goals for self-improvement in friendships, relationships, partnerships and personal arenas of growth.

Cultivating the ability to truly see “you” the individual (client)  in front of us, not a label, problem, or issue, and the willingness to learn from them and move forward.

Honoring each client as an expert in his or her life and work.

Encouraging self-discovery.

Supporting and partnering with the client to assist them with mindful ways of living and showing up in the world, and being the creator of their own destiny in order to be a better guide for others.

Operating from a place of discovery, curiosity, and awareness, to harness solutions unique to each client. 

Engaging  in a continuing journey of self-discovery with each individual, while fostering a mindset specific to self-growth and personal expectations.

Coaching Explanation

Coaching is a partnership relationship where the coach continually works with you, the client, to raise awareness of how you are responding to the world around you.  Coaching is not: giving advice, therapy, judgmental right or wrong, consulting or training which is expert driven, healing the past.

As the coach, I’m here to assist the client in uncovering effective methods for achieving goals, concentrating on where clients are now, and what they are willing to do to get where they want to be in the future.

Coaching Services

- 1:1 Coaching
- Group Coaching
- Value Consulting & Discovery
- Lemon Squeeze
- Coaching Circles
- Conflict Resolution
- Values Assessment
- Speaking Engagements
- Zoom Coaching
- Group Travel Connection Coaching

Support & Partnership

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Our Partnership

As your Friendship Coach, I’m here to support and partner with you on achieving your life goals. I’m your soundboard and confidante here to assist and help you resolve what’s blocking you from becoming your best self and living a life you love.

Coaching creates the space for us to build on your values, boundaries, and emotions in order to flourish in life.

Friendship Coaching is effective for people from all walks of life and there are a number of different things we can do together, including:

  • Gaining clarity on your life direction and life purpose

  • Building up your self-confidence and self-esteem

  • Enhancing your health and wellbeing

  • Bringing out your creative side

  • Career change or starting a business

  • Creating more balance in your life through time management

  • Cultivate meaningful relationships

  • Taking control of your personal finances

  • Developing self-love practices

  • Working on your limiting beliefs and self-doubt

  • Uncovering your strengths and passions in life

As you can see, Friendship Coaching covers a number of different life facets as a way for you to experience personal growth.


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Coming To An Understanding

Friendships, Marriages & Partnerships:

Breakups of any kind are hard, and a friend breakup is no different. That said, it's understandable that you might put off cutting off a friendship that no longer seems to be serving you. Whether they haven't been as good of a friend as you need, the two of you are drifting apart, or you just find yourself craving some more personal space, it can be tough to face the music and have that conversation with someone you still deeply care for.

While some friendships simply just change over time — not necessarily due to anything major — others could be downright toxic. There are some key signs to look out for if you're questioning if this describes someone in your life, including jealous or controlling behavior, or being insulted or put down. "Other behaviors to look out for include guilting and emotional manipulation, and encouraging you to do things you regret.

“Some not all relationships are deemed salvageable, in many cases you may just need a third party to hear both sides to come to a resolution and understanding.” -Your Friendship Coach, Andrea

How many of us miss the mark on saving relationships we hold dear to us? As your Friendship Coach we will discuss many factors that will help recognize the issue, in hopes of moving forward with clarity and understanding.

Marriage & Partnerships:

Often times in marriage our partners become our best friends. Therefore, when things start to veer off it’s a triple whammy. You feel you’re loosing a spouse, family, and best friend all at once.

Good relationships are vitally important to our lives. They provide support, can help to keep us grounded and can cheer us up. We are often drawn to people who share similar common values and interests. That’s not to say that we’ll always agree, but there will be certain commonalities that bind us together.

Trust and loyalty are two other important facets when it comes to relationships. In some instances, we can become complacent and simply loose our way. In relationships, we grow and change and you have to allow room for new interest, hobbies, and maturity.

In a relationship, you both have the ability to come to an agreement and create new rules. It’s ok to redefine the union on new terms when you’re ready. It’s your handbook and you create the rules.

“Marriage is a day to day process of choosing happiness, compromising, and often times understanding it’s your definition of love you’ve created together that will pull you through any obstacles.”
-Your Friendship Coach, Andrea

  • Identifying the root of the problem

  • Establishing if the friendship is salvageable

  • Taking ownership when and where required

  • Understanding there’s no fights or tit-for-tat

  • Apology and Acceptance

  • Halting Disappointment

  • Boundaries

  • Creating new relationship goals


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Need An Open Ear For Advice

As your Friendship Coach I’m here to offer sobering advice on friendship, life, love, and everything in-between. We explore friendship’s ups and downs, and how to come out better on the other side.

Have you ever felt a friendship is imbalanced? You give more than you receive. Relationships won’t always be 50/50. In fact, hardly ever, however, it must be a time when you create life balance, happiness, and joy. 

Andrea, Your Girlfriend Next Door and Friendship Coach, shares her insight and advice to those who find themselves torn in a situation. Andrea allows her charm, charisma, and acumen to resolve issues most would find insoluble with a straight-forward but loving appeal.

Friendship Coaching can benefit you in many ways. Always here with an open ear, lots of laughs, occasionally a teardrop here or there all in the name of happiness, joy, love, and your life's journey.

“Your Girlfriend Next Door, Friendship Coaching Is Helping Preserve Make & Strengthen Relationships. Transforming Friendships To Lifeships To Last A Lifetime.” -Your Friendship Coach, Andrea

Start a new relationship with yourself now.

It's not what we have in life, but who we have in our life that matters. —Unknown